Studies & Plans
The following are studies that have been completed for the NRV Commerce Park. All of this information is readily available for companies to use for evaluation, permitting, and any other purpose.
Title attorney opinion/ title research
County tax parcel map, zoning, and aerial
Current property deed
Known ROWs and easements
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Documentation for archaeological and historic findings (Phase 1)
Geotechnical study
Topographic survey
Potential rail layout
Letter from Norfolk Southern
CAD data for site design
Utility infrastructure availability letters
Citizens- Fiber Optic
Pulaski County PSA- Water & Sewer
ATMOS- Natural Gas
AEP- Electricity
Lot Specific Studies
Lot C grading plan & specifications
Lot J preliminary grading plan for 1M square foot pad
Contact Us for more information and to access any of this documentation