Utilities & Energy
1,000,000 gallons/day
The NRV Commerce Park has a 400,000 gallon elevated water tank and a 1,000,000 gallon ground water tank located in the Park. The tanks are supplied by a dual feed, combination 8 and 12 inch water mains. The NRV Commerce Park has a guaranteed supply of 1,000,000 gallons per day of potable water from the Pulaski County Public Service Authority. The NRV Commerce Park has an interconnected, redundant water source from two different treatment plants (Pulaski County and City of Radford).
Sewer: 1,000,000 gallons/day
Sewer BOD: 1,280 mg/L
Sewer TSS: 2,090 mg/L
The NRV Commerce Park is served by parallel 8 and 12 inch sewer force mains, as well as an existing pump station that is located in the Park. The pump station has a current pumping capacity of 1,000,000 gallons per day and can be easily upgraded to increase the capacity to 1.7MGD. The NRV Commerce Park has a guaranteed capacity of 1,000,000 gallons per day of wastewater from the Pulaski County Public Service Authority.
138 kV lines online; 60 MW solar & 3.6 kwh/month
Grid connectivity is through the Appalachian Power Comany (AEP). The NRV Commerce Park leads the way with renewable energy options to maximize opportunities for companies to use green energy, and there are multiple renewable energy options for companies locating in the NRV Commerce Park. AEP also offers an optional Wind-Water-Sunlight (WWS) program that supplies 100% renewable electric power from the company’s generation portfolio.
Solar Farm
Onsite 60 MW/ 140 acre solar farm lease with Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC). Guaranteed availability. Behind the meter option. REC’s also included.
Hydroelectric Dam
75 MW hydroelectric dam in Pulaski County (Claytor Lake). Grid option through AEP.
Methane Generation
3.6 MW methane generation plant at NRRA landfill in Pulaski County. Grid option through AEP.
Wind Energy
PENDING APPROVAL/DEVELOPMENT: 150 MW wind farm in Pulaski County by APEX Clean Energy (Pinewood Wind project). Grid option through AEP once developed.
100 gigabytes, 240 strand fiber
An open access fiber optic ring with 240 strands with a core network of 100 gigabytes, with not less than 10 megabytes of symmetrical speed
Natural Gas
3,600,000 cubic feet/day
6 inch line, 150 Mcf/hour (Atmos Energy)
30 voice lines (as Verizon Small Business account)
Unlimited lines available as Verizon Enterprise account
Unlimited VOIP lines available through Citizens